This is a class that allows to compute the abundances of chemical species in an exoplanet atmosphere. |
Module Contents#
- easychem.easychem.HOME_PATH#
- easychem.easychem.MODULE_PATH#
- easychem.easychem.DEFAULT_DATAFILE = 'thermo_easy_chem_simp_own.inp'#
- easychem.easychem._find_thermofpath()#
- class easychem.easychem.ExoAtmos(atoms=None, reactants=None, atomAbunds=None, thermofpath=None, metallicity=None, co=None, atmFunc=None, atmArgs=None)#
This is a class that allows to compute the abundances of chemical species in an exoplanet atmosphere.
- Constant attributes:
ATOM_STR_LEN = 2 Length of the strings for atom names REAC_STR_LEN = 15 Length of the strings for reactant names
- REAC_STR_LEN = 15#
- _initialized = False#
- _solved = False#
- _valid = True#
- _atomAbunds#
- property atoms#
Type: array of strings. Names of the atoms present in the considered atmosphere.
- updateAtoms(input)#
Method to set the atoms property to input
- Parameters:
input (iterative of strings (list or np.ndarray for example)) – strings representing the atoms present in the atmosphere.
- property reactants#
Type: array of strings. Names of the reactants present in the considered atmosphere.
- updateReactants(input)#
Method to set the reactants property
- Parameters:
input (iterative of strings (list or np.ndarray for example)) – strings representing the reactants present in the atmosphere.
- property thermofpath#
Type: string. Path of the file containing all the thermodynamic data (default: path contained in a ‘.easychem’ file in the home directory)
- updateThermofpath(string)#
Method to set the thermofpath property
- Parameters:
string (string) – path to the new thermodynamic data file.
- property atomAbundsOrig#
Array of floats => elemental abundances of the considered atmosphere, usually the stellar abundances ; base array used to generate atomAbunds by adjusting to metallicity, co and/or atmFunc
- updateAtomAbundsOrig(tab)#
- property atomAbunds#
Array of floats => elemental abundances of the considered atmosphere ; array used in chemistry computation
- updateAtomAbunds(tab)#
- property metallicity#
Float => atmosphere’s metallicity ; automatically updates atomAbunds considering atomAbundsOrig as the stellar abundances (incompatible with atmFunc, if atmFunc is set, priority is given to atmFunc)
- updatemetallicity(value)#
- property co#
Float => C/O ratio ; automatically updates atomAbunds (if atmFunc is set, atmFunc will be applied first)
- updateCo(value)#
- property atmFunc#
Function used on atomAbundsOrig to generate atomAbunds, automatically computed
- updateAtmFunc(func, args=None)#
- property atmArgs#
None or Tuple => arguments to pass to atmFunc
- updateAtmArgs(args)#
- delAtmFunc()#
- property initialized#
- property solved#
- property valid#
- property reacMols#
- getReacMols()#
Returns self.reacMols as a dictionary with self.reactants as keys
- property reacMass#
- getReacMass()#
Returns self.reacMass as a dictionary with self.reactants as keys
- property adiabaticGrad#
- property gamma2#
- property mmw#
- property density#
- property c_pe#
- solve(pressure, temperature)#
- result_mol()#
- result_mass()#
- _updatemetallicity()#
- _updateCO()#
- _updadeWithFunc()#
- _normAbunds()#
- _updateAtomAbunds()#
- _getterResults(attName, fullName)#
- print_available_species()#
- static strToBytes(a: str)#
- static strArr_to_bytArr(a, m)#